About Stuart McPhee
Stuart McPhee is a private trader, a best-selling author, a personal trading coach, and has consulted to numerous financial services companies in Australia and throughout South East Asia.
He is one of Australia's most compelling speakers on trading, as well as being a trader for over 20 years. Since 2000, he has spoken live in front of tens of thousands of fellow traders from Mumbai to New York, Tokyo to London, Melbourne to Beijing, and many places in between. He has helped countless traders improve their performance with his expertise in technical analysis, trading psychology, risk management, the trading process and developing a trading plan.
Stuart regularly travels and presents at major trading events, presents trading seminars, conducts staff training and personal trading coaching. His best selling trading book, 'Trading in a Nutshell, 4th Edition' (John Wiley) as well as his presentations, are not about vague concepts that don't work in the real world. are about incredibly practical, time-saving strategies that you need to implement in order to become an extremely successful trader.